Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners P/S
Beløb: over 500 mio dkr
Adresse: Langelinie Alle 43 København Ø 2100
Telefon: 70 70 51 51
Om Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners A/S: Founded in 2012 by senior executives from the energy industry and PensionDanmark, and owned by five partners with substantial experience in infrastructure investments (80+ years, EUR~30bn worth of transactions & contracts) and a large industrial network
Experts in infrastructure investing in the energy sector and a preferred financial partner for industrial organizations in the energy sector
Manages four infrastructure funds, CI I K/S, CI Artemis K/S, CI II K/S and CI III K/S
CI I was established in 2012 with total commitment of EUR ~1,000m by PensionDanmark (one of the largest labor market pension companies in Denmark with EUR ~20bn assets under management)
CI Artemis was established in 2014 with total commitment of EUR 392m by PensionDanmark, dedicated for the DolWin 3 investment
CI II was established in 2014 with total commitment of EUR ~2,000m (Final Close) from 19 Danish and international investors (PensionDanmark, Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, Lægernes Pensionskasse, Lærernes Pension, PBU, JØP, DIP, the European Investment Bank, Nykredit Alpha (Alternatives division), PFA, AP Pension, Nordea, SEB Pension, Oslo Pensjonsforsikring, SEB Pension och Försäkring, a UK pension fund managed by The Townsend Group, T&W Holding A/S, LB Forsikring and VILLUM FONDEN)
CI III achieved its First Close on March 8, 2017 with EUR ~1,200m in commitment primarily from three anchor investors. The Fund’s target size is EUR ~3,000m and final close is currently expected in September 2017